Tag Archives: online bail bonds

What Happens When you Bounce a Check in California

What Happens When you Bounce a Check in California

We all make mistakes. One of the mistakes that many of us have made at one time or another is not checking our account before writing a check. As a result, the check bounces and you face a series of problems. The good news is that in most cases, the consequences of writing a bad […]

California’s Noise Protection Laws

California Noise Protection Laws

T here’s nothing worse than noisy neighbors. Without fail, neighbors only seem to get noisy after you’ve had a long day and only want to crawl into bed and sleep for twelve straight hours. The more exhausted you are, the louder they seem to get. Figuring out how to handle your noisy neighbors isn’t easy. […]

When Will California Allow you to Leave Your Child Home Alone

Child Home Alone Law

There comes a point in every parent’s life when they ask themselves the question, “can I leave my child home alone?” Many parents assume that California has a law stating when a child is old enough to be left home alone, but that’s not the case. At this point, California lawmakers leave it up to […]

When is a Real Estate Deal Considered Real Estate Fraud

Real Estate Fraud

Buying and selling property is a way of life in California. People are constantly moving. Most of the time, the process goes smoothly and everything is kept above board, but every once in awhile a deal goes sour. The challenge many buyers (and even sellers) struggle with is knowing when a real estate deal simply […]

Hitchhiking in California

Hitchhiking Laws

Signs warning drivers about the dangers of picking up hitchhikers litter the sides of California’s highways. Upon seeing these signs, most of us assume that we’re close to one of the state’s prisons and that cops are worried that a hitchhiker could be an escaped convict. Few of us know that the reason there are […]

Drunk Driving on Halloween

Drunk Driving on Halloween

It’s no secret that getting behind the wheel after you’ve been drinking is a bad idea, yet there are a few nights of the year where driver’s leave their common sense at home and drive home after having one too many. Halloween is such a night. Why People Drink on Halloween Halloween is a festive […]

How California Deals with Illegal Dumping

How California Deals with Illegal Dumping

California lawmakers are serious about protecting the environment. Strict dumping laws is one of the ways they accomplish this. What is Dumping? When talking about illegal dumping California lawmakersconsider it a practice of taking garbage and dumping it somewhere that it doesn’t belong. A perfect example of this is taking a few old mattresses and […]

Celebrating Halloween in 2020

Celebrating Halloween in 2020

Halloween is right around the corner. It’s one of those holidays that kids look forward to all year long. It’s not uncommon for kids to spend months working on a Halloween costume and planning their trick-or-treating route. Is it Safe to Trick-or-Treat? The good news is that Halloween hasn’t been officially canceled in California, but […]

The Reality of Unemployment Fraud

The Reality of Unemployment Fraud

Unemployment fraud isn’t new. There have been instances of it dating all the way back to when the system for helping people stay financially solvent after they suddenly lost a job was first created. The high number of people who were forced to claim unemployment benefits when the pandemic struck the United States, combined with […]

Mail Theft in California

Mail Theft in California

L awmakers aren’t fooling around when it comes to people messing with other people’s mail. The issue of mail theft is explored in US Code Section 1708. It’s important to understand that because mail theft involves the United States Postal Service, a federal agency, mail theft is considered a federal offense. The State of California […]