Tag Archives: nearest bail bonds in Tulare County

Celebrating Thanksgiving in 2020

Celebrating Thanksgiving in 2020

Some of us thought everything would be back to normal by Thanksgiving. Some of us assumed that current times wouldn’t have a major impact on our holiday plans. The truth is that the past few weeks have revealed that current health concerns are still here, but it’s also gotten worse. This has many of us […]

California’s Noise Protection Laws

California Noise Protection Laws

T here’s nothing worse than noisy neighbors. Without fail, neighbors only seem to get noisy after you’ve had a long day and only want to crawl into bed and sleep for twelve straight hours. The more exhausted you are, the louder they seem to get. Figuring out how to handle your noisy neighbors isn’t easy. […]

Drunk Driving on Halloween

Drunk Driving on Halloween

It’s no secret that getting behind the wheel after you’ve been drinking is a bad idea, yet there are a few nights of the year where driver’s leave their common sense at home and drive home after having one too many. Halloween is such a night. Why People Drink on Halloween Halloween is a festive […]

Can My Business Stay Open During A Shutdown Order?

Can My Business Stay Open During A Shutdown Order

T he pandemic has done more than simply worry that we’re dying each time we cough. It has also triggered some pretty intense discussions about how much power the government has when it comes to shutting down your business. Most business owners never imagined that a day would come when the Governor would see what […]

Found a Lost Pet? Here’s What you Have to Do

Found a Lost Pet? Here’s What you Have to Do

I t happens all the time. A dog appears in your yard or you find a cat while your out on a walk. Even though the animal isn’t yours, you invite it into your home. At this point, you find yourself in the crossroads of an ethical decision. Do you keep the lost pet or […]

Legal Aspects of Owning and Carrying a Knife in California

Laws of Owning and Carrying a Knife in California

S ome states have incredibly strict laws when it comes to carrying knives. California isn’t one of them. The state actually has a surprisingly permissive attitude when it comes to both open carry and concealed knives. The general rule of thumb is that yes, you’re free to carry a knife while you’re out and about. […]

What Happens if You Wrongfully Park in a Handicapped Spot?


Having a disability can make tasks that most people take for granted difficult to complete. To make things easier for people with disabilities, several laws and practices have been adopted here in California, and the rest of the nation at large. This includes things such as automatic doors, ramps instead of steps, and even specialized […]

US Counterfeiting Laws


Money is a very precious resource that everyone spends a lot of time trying to get. After all, this is why everyone goes to work five days a week. It is safe to assume that if people weren’t getting paid, then they wouldn’t go to work. That being said, money isn’t easy to get, but […]

Is There a Difference between These 3 Crimes?


W hen it comes to legal stuff, there is a lot that the general public doesn’t know, and it’s understandable. Anyone who has ever tried to read a law before has come face to face with the seemingly cryptic language known as legalese. That subject is not easy to understand and so it’s only natural […]

How to Prepare to Deal with Bail


M ost people have never dealt with bail before because no one they know ever got arrested. With thousands of people getting arrested every single day in California, chances are someone that you know will get arrested at some point. If that ever happens, you want to be prepared. After all, the faster you deal […]