Tag Archives: who offers the no down payment bail bonds in Tulare County

Celebrating Thanksgiving in 2020

Celebrating Thanksgiving in 2020

Some of us thought everything would be back to normal by Thanksgiving. Some of us assumed that current times wouldn’t have a major impact on our holiday plans. The truth is that the past few weeks have revealed that current health concerns are still here, but it’s also gotten worse. This has many of us […]

Watering your California Lawn

Watering your California Lawn

All of us want the lush, gorgeous kind of lawn we see featured in landscaping ads and gardening magazines. Even with minimal landscaping, a beautiful, healthy lawn really showcases the home, giving it a great deal of curb appeal. The problem many California homeowners encounter is that maintaining that stunning lawn takes a great deal […]

Disposing of Unused Prescription Drugs in California

Disposing of Unused Prescription Drugs in California

N ot only is having unused prescription drugs in your house a hassle, after all, they take up a remarkable amount of space in your medicine cabinet, they can also be a legal concern. According to the law, you’re not supposed to have any prescription drugs in your house that aren’t currently prescribed to you, […]

Laws Every California Pet Owner Should Know

Laws Every California Pet Owner Should Know

Owning a pet is a wonderful experience. In exchange for providing for their physical needs, your pet gives you unconditional love and great joy. Pet owners are usually healthier and happier than California residents who don’t own pets. While there are lots of perks associated with owning a pet, there are also several California pet […]

What to do When the Police Ask for Camera Footage?

What to do When the Police Ask for Camera Footage?

O ver the past 10 or 15 years, cameras have become a major part of our daily lives. They’re on our phones, in our homes, built into doorbells, and even mounted on the dashboards of our cars. We usually don’t give them a second thought until the police request the footage. That’s when we suddenly […]

Can You Force Your Employees to Work During a Government Ordered Lockdown?

Can You Force Your Employees to Work During a Government Ordered Lockdown?

The Lock down has created some big legal questions that no one really considered prior to the pandemic hitting the United States in March. One of the questions both employers and employees are asking is if employees can be required to work during the government ordered lock down. The answer isn’t as straight forward as […]

Understanding Your Bail Bonds Contact

Understanding Your Bail Bonds Contact

O ne of the great things about the American justice system is the bail bonds process. The courts charge an amount of money that they feel will inspire you to make all of your court dates. Once your fate has been determined, you either get the bail money back or it’s used to help cover […]

Should You Get Bailed Out or Stay in Jail

Should You Get Bailed Out or Stay in Jail

F inding yourself on the wrong side of the law and sitting in a cold jail cell is terrifying. Equally terrifying is learning how much bail money you have to come up with before you’re released. Once the amount of your bail is determined, you have to decide if you want to figure out where […]