Tag Archives: cheap bail bonds in porterville

Are You Required to Make Bail in California

porterville bail bonds

One of the things many people wonder after their arraignment is if they are required to make bail. The short and sweet answer is no. While most people opt to not make bail for financial reasons, there are some compelling reasons some people choose to remain in jail while they wait for the conclusion of […]

Are you Being Gaslighted?

porterville bail bonds (21)

Gaslighting is a phrase we hear more and more of lately. While we’re all becoming familiar with the term and know that it’s not a good thing, many of us still aren’t entirely sure what gaslighting is or how to recognize if we’re a victim of it. The best way to explain gaslighting is that […]

Who is Liable When You’re Injured in a Slip and Fall Accident

porterville bail bonds

Slip and fall accidents happen. While they are sometimes the result of simple clumsiness on your part, in most cases, a slip-and-fall accident has a specific trigger. Examples of a trigger include a piece of torn carpeting that catches your toe, a piece of ice laying on a linoleum floor, or someone failing to pick […]

How to Clear your Criminal Record

porterville bail bonds

Having a criminal record adversely impacts your life. The good news is that with some charges in California, it’s possible to clean up your criminal history. Having a criminal record adversely impacts your life. Depending on the severity of the convictions, your criminal record can make it difficult for you to find housing, establish relationships, and secure some […]