Tag Archives: bail online

A Dog Bite Could Have Legal Ramifications


D ogs are wonderful animals. They provide unconditional love, companionship, and can even be our protectors. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people turning their dog into an emotional support animal, which allows them to bring the animal into establishments where dogs aren’t otherwise allowed. While the emotional support […]

California’s Three Strikes and You’re Out Policy


California was once famous for its three strikes and you’re out brand of criminal justice. How the Three Strikes Law Worked The three-strikes law went into effect in 1994. The law was originally proposed in direct response to the horrific murders of Polly Klass and Kimber Reynolds. The way the Three Strikes law works is […]

Illegal Fireworks within California


T he Fourth of July is coming up, and it’s an exciting time to let your American spirit fly. It feels like just yesterday we were talking about Valentine’s Day and recommending great date ideas. Now we’re here gearing up to get as patriotic a possible. What better way to enjoy being an American than […]