Tag Archives: bail bonds in kings county

What Happens In the Immediate Hours Following an Arrest

kings county bail bonds (42)

What happens in the immediate hours following an arrest is what is called the booking process. This is when your official arrest record is updated. The booking process sounds like a quick 10-minute procedure but it can really take quite a while depending on the number of people being booked and the number of officers […]

How do Statutes of Limitations Work in California?

kings county bail bonds (9)

Investopedia defines statute of limitation as: “a law that sets the maximum amount of time that parties involved in a dispute have to initiate legal proceedings from the date of an alleged offense, whether civil or criminal. The length of time the statute allows for a victim to bring legal action against the suspected wrong-doer […]

Petnapping in California

kings county bail bonds (8)

The recent conviction of the man who not only shot Lady Gaga’s dog walker but also stole her two precious French Bulldogs has people talking about pet theft in California, the consequences of the crime, and how to prevent it. Most of us love our pets as much as we love our human family members. […]

Bringing Gifts to Prison

kings county bail bonds

Just because a loved one has been sent to prison, it doesn’t mean you stop caring for them. When someone has been arrested many people feel that in addition to visits, the best way to let their loved one know that they’re still important is by sending gifts and other surprises.  While it’s easy to […]

What Happens If Your Car Fails a California Inspection

kings county bail bonds (1)

  You aren’t allowed to own and operate any old junker on California’s public roads. The state fully expects you to keep your car in good repair and to make sure it’s not releasing any more air pollution than necessary. California can enforce this code by insisting that all registered vehicles routinely go through a […]