Category Archives: Saugus Bail Bonds

Can Police Search My Vehicle without a Warrant?


P retty much every driver has experienced the slight panic of seeing a police car behind them while driving even if they haven’t done anything wrong. That shows how much people don’t want to get pulled over. On those occasions where people are pulled over, they can then find themselves worrying about the officer searching […]

Teaching Kids about Gun Safety


T he state of California has been a leader in gun control laws for a while now, and for good reason. In the wrong hands, guns can cause a lot of damage, which is why they need to be treated with the proper respect. That respect needs to be instilled in people of all ages […]

Can You Drive While High in California?


F Four years ago in 2016, Californian voters chose to legalize the recreational use of marijuana by passing Proposition 64. After the passing of this Prop, the state worked on creating new laws to regulate marijuana usage. These laws were then enacted over the next few years to give people time to adjust and prepare. […]

Can Passengers Drink Alcohol in Vehicles?


E veryone knows that it is against the law to drink alcohol and then drive a vehicle. This law exists because drunk drivers are very dangerous. Due to the alcohol, the driver’s ability to react properly while driving is greatly impaired. Drunk drivers are more likely to make reckless decisions and are less capable of […]

California Dog Bite Laws


F or the most part, dog owners are good at taking care of their animals. They love their pup and treat it like a member of the family. However, not everyone is very good at taking care of their dog, which can cause some trouble. If a dog gets out and bites someone, the dog’s […]

Don’t Give Up on Easter


It is a little hard to believe, but Easter has arrived. March somehow managed to simultaneously take its time and disappear in a flash thanks to all of the lock-downs. Weeks ago there had been hope that the lock-downs would be gone come Easter, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Now, most Easter […]

Is Intentionally Spreading the Virus an Act of Terrorism?


T he world is in a state of crisis as the COVID-19, Coronavirus, pandemic takes root everywhere. This has led to governments ordering non-essential businesses to temporarily shut down and forcing entire communities to lock down. People are only allowed to leave their homes for essential trips, and when out need to practice social distancing […]

When Can Children Be Left Home Alone?


P arenting is rarely an easy task at the best of times. When times get tough, like they have recently, parenting can get even tougher. With schools shut down all over the country, many parents have suddenly been reminded of just how tough parenting is. This is only made worse when some parents are still […]

Don’t Get Scammed out of Your Stimulus Check


A s the world practically shuts down in response to the spreading COVID-19 Pandemic, many people are now finding themselves stuck at home. For some, this time away from work can be very welcome. For others, however, not making any money is very stressful. Millions of people across the country have either had their jobs […]

What Are Your Rights When You’re Pulled Over?

Tulare County Bail Bond

A whole lot of things can happen while a person is driving. One thing that most drivers would prefer to avoid is getting pulled over. Unfortunately, sometimes things happen, and the driver makes a mistake. Sometimes, as far as the driver knows, they didn’t do anything wrong but find themselves getting pulled over anyways. When […]