Category Archives: Acton Bail Bonds

Do You Know What OR Release Means?


T here are a lot of things about bail that the average individual doesn’t know about. Most people never expect that they will need to post bail at any point in their life. Unfortunately, thousands of people are arrested every single day in the state of California alone. This means that chances are, a person […]

Why Can’t Minors Be Bailed Out of Jail?


B ail is a confusing and unknown subject to a lot of people out there. Most people don’t think about one of their friends or family members getting arrested, so they don’t even consider how they would bail that person out. In most instances, this is just for adults. Many parents may not even consider […]

Let Our Family Help Your Family


T he most important thing in this world is family. This close group of people, whether related by blood, marriage, or bond, is a group of people that you would trust with your life. You know that if you ever need help, you can count on them to be there and vice versa. You support […]

Avoid Hidden Fees by Coming to Tulare County Bail Bonds


F or the most part, surprises are nice and enjoyable. However, there are some surprises out there that most people would rather avoid. A perfect example of this would be a friend or family member getting arrested. As if that wasn’t bad enough on its own, some bail bond companies make things worse by adding […]

What Can You Do While Out on Bail?


W hen it comes to bail, people have a lot of questions. This is understandable since most people never expected that they would need to bail someone out of jail. Luckily the people here at Tulare County Bail Bonds are here to help. We know everything about bail and will be more than happy to […]

Don’t Get Caught Trespassing on California Beaches


E veryone knows what trespassing is, however, there can be a bit of a gray area for people when it comes to certain locations. Some locations make sense, such as stores and restaurants. Some locations, on the other hand, seem impossible to close. How can you close a location that doesn’t have a ceiling, walls, […]

What Happens If You Steal a Trailer in California?


M ost people are doing their very best to hunker down and avoid going out in public. This has led to some very interesting, and kind of creepy, scenes in cities. The usually bustling streets have become barren. Most people take that as a sign that they shouldn’t be out there. A select few see […]

Not All Snitches Get Stitches


W hen people spend a lot of time together, they will inevitably upset one another. It is only natural. What is not okay is when someone upsets another person and then begins hurting them for it. While most people don’t stoop to this level, there are some people out there who do. Thanks to the […]

Can Police Search My Vehicle without a Warrant?


P retty much every driver has experienced the slight panic of seeing a police car behind them while driving even if they haven’t done anything wrong. That shows how much people don’t want to get pulled over. On those occasions where people are pulled over, they can then find themselves worrying about the officer searching […]

Teaching Kids about Gun Safety


T he state of California has been a leader in gun control laws for a while now, and for good reason. In the wrong hands, guns can cause a lot of damage, which is why they need to be treated with the proper respect. That respect needs to be instilled in people of all ages […]