Category Archives: Acton Bail Bonds

A Dog Bite Could Have Legal Ramifications


D ogs are wonderful animals. They provide unconditional love, companionship, and can even be our protectors. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people turning their dog into an emotional support animal, which allows them to bring the animal into establishments where dogs aren’t otherwise allowed. While the emotional support […]

California’s Three Strikes and You’re Out Policy


California was once famous for its three strikes and you’re out brand of criminal justice. How the Three Strikes Law Worked The three-strikes law went into effect in 1994. The law was originally proposed in direct response to the horrific murders of Polly Klass and Kimber Reynolds. The way the Three Strikes law works is […]

Illegal Fireworks within California


T he Fourth of July is coming up, and it’s an exciting time to let your American spirit fly. It feels like just yesterday we were talking about Valentine’s Day and recommending great date ideas. Now we’re here gearing up to get as patriotic a possible. What better way to enjoy being an American than […]

Strange Laws from the California

W hen people think about laws, they often think about sensible rules that make sense. However, it is important to remember that laws are made by people, and this means that some real nonsense can be made into actual laws that govern the people. This is true of every country, state, and city. California is […]

Understanding Your Bail Bonds Contact

Understanding Your Bail Bonds Contact

O ne of the great things about the American justice system is the bail bonds process. The courts charge an amount of money that they feel will inspire you to make all of your court dates. Once your fate has been determined, you either get the bail money back or it’s used to help cover […]

Should You Get Bailed Out or Stay in Jail

Should You Get Bailed Out or Stay in Jail

F inding yourself on the wrong side of the law and sitting in a cold jail cell is terrifying. Equally terrifying is learning how much bail money you have to come up with before you’re released. Once the amount of your bail is determined, you have to decide if you want to figure out where […]

Laws to Know Before You Fly Your Drone


As the weather warms up and gets nicer, and people are beginning to venture outside once again, they are looking for something to do. One thing that is a lot of fun, and doesn’t create or need a crowd of people is flying a drone. Drones give people a bird’s eye view of the area […]

Can Helping Someone Get You Into Trouble?


W hen it comes to friends and family, most people will do whatever they can to help out their loved ones. If someone that they care about is in trouble, they will not rest until they have helped get their loved one out of trouble. This is how a family is supposed to work in […]

What Happens if You Wrongfully Park in a Handicapped Spot?


Having a disability can make tasks that most people take for granted difficult to complete. To make things easier for people with disabilities, several laws and practices have been adopted here in California, and the rest of the nation at large. This includes things such as automatic doors, ramps instead of steps, and even specialized […]

Is Blackmailing Someone Illegal in California?


S omething that people are pretty familiar with, hopefully through television and movies, not from real-life experience, is blackmail. The trope of someone finding some secret of another person and then using it to get the victim to do whatever they say shows up a lot in fiction. Unfortunately, it is present in the real […]