Category Archives: Acton Bail Bonds

How to Stay Safe and Secure While Shopping Online

With the passing of Halloween, the holiday season has begun. Now people all over begin to really crackdown on their holiday shopping lists. They want to get the perfect something for everyone on their list. Not only does this mean an increase in shoppers at stores, it also means more people will be going online […]

Parents Should Be Careful with Instant Soups

Any parent will tell you that taking care of a child is not an easy undertaking. They need constant supervision, or else they can get into some serious trouble. A recent study found that 1 in every 5 scald burns are caused by ramen and instant soups. Instant soups are quick, easy and cheap meals, […]

Watch Out for Battery Thieves

A working car is pretty important requirement for most working adults. Without a car, you can’t get to work, run errands, or go visit friends and family members. A person needs to take care of their vehicle if they want to continue to enjoy their freedom. However, there are somethings that are pretty difficult to […]

Do You Know If Your Money Is Real?

Money is a pretty big part of everyone’s lives. Most people spend their weekdays working hard to earn just enough money to make it through another week. Meanwhile, a very small group of people out there try to cheat the system and print their own money. This is called counterfeiting and even though the bills […]

Be Safe This Halloween

There are certain holidays that just call for parties, and Halloween is one of those days. While kids are out trick-or-treating in search of candy, adults are out partying with friends. While there will still likely be some candy at these parties, most adults have upgraded to something different. Many adults will be consuming alcohol […]

The Dangers of Online Gaming

Internet safety is always a big concern, especially for parents. You never know who your kids might be meeting online unless you pay close attention. Most parents know to warn their kids about talking to strangers that they met online on sites like Facebook. However, there is one avenue of online communication that often gets […]

When 9 PM Rolls Around

For many people, once 9 PM rolls around, they are getting ready to call it a day. However, while these people prepare for bed, there are others who are gearing up to cause some mischief. Once things get dark outside, thieves come out from hiding. Now that people have gone to bed, they can freely […]

Is It Time for Last Call?

California lawmakers have recently passed a bill that if signed by Governor Jerry Brown, would allow certain cities to extend how late alcohol could be served. The bill in question is Senate Bill (SB) 905. The bill was passed at the end of August and now awaits either the Governor’s veto or signature. The new […]

Should Cellphones be Banned by Law in Schools?

Times have definitely changed since many of us were kids. Back when most of us adults were in school, the only thing teachers had to worry about were calculators. Nowadays, students walk around with cellphones that can do infinitely more than a calculator ever could. And, we were told we wouldn’t be carrying a calculator […]

More Reckless Driving in Southern California

Reckless driving comes in many forms. Most people think of speeding and swerving through traffic, and they are not wrong. However, there are other dangerous forms of reckless driving, some of which are on the rise in Southern California. The culprits of these crimes may only be concerned with having a bit of fun, but […]